
Monroe Review

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Give a Kid a Christmas

Give a Kid a Christmas is a nonprofit program that gives members of our community who are in need the opportunity to have a better Christmas. Groups like MCCC Student Government, who are looking to spread holiday cheer, adopt families like these who have submitted lists of their needs and wants for the holiday season. 

To most efficiently collect donations, SG members have created an Amazon Gift List so people can purchase from a pre-selected list of gifts to best meet the wishes of the family: https://www.amazon.com/.../holiday/1A2O7CLCUG11P/guest-view

SG thanks everyone in advance for their generous donations and support. If you have any questions, contact SG Liaison Mario Tucker at mtucker3@my.monroeccc.edu. Donations will be accepted until Dec. 13.

Original source can be found here.