Rep. Joe Bellino wanted to let his constituents know about the balanced Michigan budget. | stock photo
Rep. Joe Bellino wanted to let his constituents know about the balanced Michigan budget. | stock photo
Despite the challenges from COVID-19, the Michigan Legislature managed to pass a balanced budget with no tax increases and without increasing the size of government, according to Rep. Joe Bellino (R-Monroe).
The budget “maintains investments in what matters most to Michigan families and taxpayers -- without growing state government and without raising taxes,” Bellino said in a Facebook post.
“Michigan taxpayers want a state government that respects their hard work and sacrifices while investing in what matters most to them,” he said in his post.
Rep. Joe Bellino
| Michigan House Republicans
The legislator highlighted the $15.5 billion the budget includes for schools.
“Despite a deficit due to COVID, we built a budget with zero cuts to local government,” he wrote on Facebook. "Government will live within its means, just like Michigan families and job providers are always forced to do every day."
He noted that local governments provide essential services to citizens, including police and fire protection. The state budget also includes $20 million for additional personal protection equipment, Bellino said.